115 Must Know Facts about Social Media

115 facts that explain how social media is becoming an integral part of people's life and business.

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3 Responses to “115 Must Know Facts about Social Media”

  1. Chris Robinson says:

    December 15th, 2016 at 11:02 pm

    And while we are piling on the hyperbolae we should note how much fraud there is in social media data especially claims around viewership and human interaction. As an industry we need to be ready to challenge all the nonsense flying around about the decline of traditional media and the importance of social publishing. Its frankly just hot air.

    Even eCommerce data doesn’t support the perceptions most advertisers have. For example currently less than 3% of US retail sales are coming from ECommerce versus traditional routes. And forecasts are only predicting less than 5% by 2020. You have to ask why all the hype?

    The biggest problem is that ad agencies, media houses and advertisers have bought into the biggest load of rubbish in this industry since the arrival of TV.

    This study for example found close to nine in ten ads were never seen by a human!! What… yes, you may ask!.

    A more detailed automated voice recording is available here. https://soundcloud.com/oxfordbiochronometrics/quantifying-online-advertising-fraud-ad-click-bots-vs-humans

    Fraudulent claims made by this industry are unbelievable and defy ,logic as this report showed. http://gawker.com/internet-video-views-is-a-100-percent-bullshit-metric-1774349561. Even Nielsen are flabbergasted by this nonsense.

    For those wanting to dig deeper, go to http://www.adcontrarian.com. As the author Bob Hoffman says “you can’t make thus stuff up”

  2. Nigel Lindemann says:

    December 16th, 2016 at 4:27 am

    A very informative infographic!
    I did spot one mistake, though.
    The youtube subscriptions of Lego, Justin Bieber, Kid’s Toys, and WWE are in the billions, which is very unlikely. Someone should correct that.

  3. Dave McCaughan says:

    December 19th, 2016 at 6:58 am

    always disappointing that articles like this are not clearly headlined or labelled that they are USA focused. No mention of the monster that is China , no mention of major global platform like LINE ( yes not big in USA but the dominant platform in a number of asian markets and significant in the spanish speaking world ). and of course PLEASE if you mean digital based social media then please say that. the bulk of social media is of course off line just as it always has been

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